Movie Title: "Deep" Release Date: July 2021 Country: Thailand This is a Thai sci-fi thriller movie released on Netflix just about several days ago. As a lover of sci-fi genre I jump at the chance to watch this movie after reading the positive reviews written by other people about this movie. However this movie is not as great as how the reviews depict them to be.... This movie features Jane, a medical student top scorer who is shown to have symptoms of OCD like constantly checking the locks at night multiple times although she has locked them for sure and has excessive worries about the house safety. At the same time, she is working hard to balance her life between studying rigorously for her exams, cooking and selling breakfast meals to help pay the mortgage and taking care of her grandmother and insouciant younger sister. The anxiety, the relentless studying schedule and the heavy responsibility on her shoulders have cost her proper sleeps at night, turning her into an
Jagat raya ini ganjil dan misteri, dihuni oleh berbillion-billion galaksi, semuanya dengan cerita aneh yang tersendiri. Tersorok di sebalik satu bucu terpencil alam ini ialah sebuah planet kecil yang dihuni oleh makhluk yang lebih aneh lagi. Kehidupan ialah kembara untuk bergelut dengan pertanyaan dan laman ini ialah ruang untuk pengembara ini menuliskan renungan seputar persoalan, idea-idea dan buah fikiran yang dibaca, didengar, ditonton dan diperhatikannya daripada medium yang pelbagai.