Comic Title: "Sweet Home" Comic Author: Kim Carnby Release Date: October 2017 - July 2020 Country: South Korea Sweet Home is a Korean apocalyptic thriller comic produced by the collaboration between the author, Kim Carnby and illustrator, Hwang Young-chan. First published in October 2017, it has a total of around 140 chapters with its final chapter published in July 2020. The comic has become a huge success with a global readership and a Netflix adaptation into series of the same title which further popularizes the work. It follows the story of a high school social recluse named Cha Hyun-soo who is estranged from his family and friends. Not much is known about the family, except that his father is rarely at home due to preoccupation with his career while Hyun always distances himself from outside world. Secluding himself in his own room, he spends much of his days playing video games and even avoid school altogether. So one day his family arranges for a special tr
Jagat raya ini ganjil dan misteri, dihuni oleh berbillion-billion galaksi, semuanya dengan cerita aneh yang tersendiri. Tersorok di sebalik satu bucu terpencil alam ini ialah sebuah planet kecil yang dihuni oleh makhluk yang lebih aneh lagi. Kehidupan ialah kembara untuk bergelut dengan pertanyaan dan laman ini ialah ruang untuk pengembara ini menuliskan renungan seputar persoalan, idea-idea dan buah fikiran yang dibaca, didengar, ditonton dan diperhatikannya daripada medium yang pelbagai.